mirror of
synced 2025-01-23 06:29:36 +01:00
Add rofi config
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
configuration {
modi: "window,run,drun";
theme: "clean";
show-icons: true;
font: "Hack Nerd Font 11";
@import "config.rasi"
* {
selected-background: #d8c45d;
selected-foreground: black;
#window {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
padding: 90px 120px;
#mainbox {
border: 0;
border-radius: 15;
padding: 20;
background-color: @background-solid;
#textbox {
text-color: @foreground;
#listview {
columns: 5;
spacing: 0px;
cycle: false;
dynamic: true;
layout: vertical;
background-color: transparent;
padding: 12px 0px 0px 0px;
element {
margin: 4px;
padding: 22px 10px 22px 10px;
border-radius: 16px;
orientation: vertical;
element-icon {
size: 90px;
margin: 0 10px 0 0;
element-text {
horizontal-align: 0.5;
vertical-align: 0.5;
#element.normal.normal {
background-color: transparent;
text-color: @foreground;
#element.selected.normal {
background-color: @selected-background;
text-color: @selected-foreground;
border-color: #d07ef2;
#element.alternate.normal {
background-color: transparent;
text-color: @foreground;
#mode-switcher {
border: 0px 0px 0px ;
border-color: @separatorcolor;
#button {
spacing: 0;
text-color: @foreground;
#button.selected {
background-color: @selected-background;
text-color: @selected-foreground;
#inputbar {
spacing: 0;
text-color: @selected-foreground;
padding: 10px;
background-color: @selected-background;
border-radius: 10px;
#case-indicator {
spacing: 0;
text-color: @selected-foreground;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
#entry {
spacing: 0;
text-color: @selected-foreground;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
#prompt {
spacing: 0;
text-color: @selected-foreground;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
#textbox-prompt-colon {
expand: false;
str: ":";
margin: 0px 0.3em 0em 0em ;
text-color: @selected-foreground;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
#inputbar {
children: [prompt,textbox-prompt-colon,entry,case-indicator];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
* {
foreground: rgba(196, 203, 212, 100%);
selected-foreground: rgba(255, 255, 255, 100%);
background: #1f243aa0;
background-solid: #1f243aff;
selected-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 40%);
red: rgba ( 220, 50, 47, 100 % );
blue: rgba ( 38, 139, 210, 100 % );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@import "/home/sahin/.cache/wal/colors-rofi-dark"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
configuration {
modi: "window,run,drun";
theme: "music";
show-icons: true;
font: "Hack Nerd Font 11";
@import "colors.rasi"
#window {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
padding: 90px 120px;
#mainbox {
border: 0;
border-radius: 15;
padding: 20;
background-color: @background;
#textbox {
text-color: @foreground;
#listview {
padding: 18px 0px 2px 0px;
columns: 5;
spacing: 2px;
cycle: false;
dynamic: true;
layout: vertical;
background-color: transparent;
element {
margin: 4px;
padding: 8px;
border-radius: 4px;
orientation: vertical;
element-icon {
size: 195px;
margin: 0 0 0 0;
element-text {
horizontal-align: 0.5;
vertical-align: 0.5;
#element.normal.normal {
background-color: transparent;
text-color: @foreground;
#element.selected.normal {
background-color: @selected-background;
text-color: @selected-foreground;
border-color: #d07ef2;
#element.alternate.normal {
background-color: transparent;
text-color: @foreground;
#mode-switcher {
border: 0px 0px 0px ;
border-color: @separatorcolor;
#button {
spacing: 0;
text-color: @foreground;
#button.selected {
background-color: @selected-background;
text-color: @selected-foreground;
#inputbar {
spacing: 0;
text-color: @selected-foreground;
padding: 10px;
background-color: @selected-background;
border-radius: 10px;
#case-indicator {
spacing: 0;
text-color: @selected-foreground;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
#entry {
spacing: 0;
text-color: @selected-foreground;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
#prompt {
spacing: 0;
text-color: @selected-foreground;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
#textbox-prompt-colon {
expand: false;
str: ":";
margin: 0px 0.3em 0em 0em ;
text-color: @selected-foreground;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
#inputbar {
children: [prompt,textbox-prompt-colon,entry,case-indicator];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
configuration {
modi: "window,run,drun";
theme: "clean";
show-icons: true;
font: "Hack Nerd Font 10";
@import "colors.rasi"
* {
selected-background: #d8c45d;
selected-foreground: black;
#window {
width: 450px;
height: 120px;
background-color: @background-solid;
padding: 5px;
#mainbox {
border: 0;
padding: 0;
children: [listview];
background-color: @background-solid;
#listview {
columns: 4;
layout: vertical;
background-color: transparent;
element {
margin: 8px;
padding: 10px;
border-radius: 5px;
orientation: vertical;
element-icon {
size: 48px;
margin: 2px;
element-text {
horizontal-align: 0.5;
vertical-align: 0.5;
#element.normal.normal {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
text-color: @foreground;
#element.selected.normal {
background-color: @selected-background;
text-color: @selected-foreground;
border-color: #d07ef2;
#element.alternate.normal {
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
text-color: @foreground;
#mode-switcher {
border: 0px 0px 0px ;
border-color: @separatorcolor;
#button {
spacing: 0;
text-color: @foreground;
#button.selected {
background-color: @selected-background;
text-color: @selected-foreground;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,991 @@
##################################### TABLE OF CONTENTS #####################################
* V I M
- M o v e m e n t.
- I n s e r t m o d e.
- E d i t.
- V i s u a l m o d e.
- V i s u a l c o m m a n d s.
- C u t & p a s t e.
- S e a r c h & r e p l a c e.
- S e a r c h m u l t i - f i l e.
- E x i t.
- M u l t i f i l e (b u f f e r s).
- T a b s.
- S e s s i o n s.
- C o m m a n d L i n e.
- P l u g i n s.
* S U B L I M E
* I 3 W M
- B a s e.
- U t i l i t i e s.
- M u l t i m e d i a c o n t r o l.
* R A N G E R
- B o o k m a r k s.
- t a b s.
- R a n g e r m o v e m e n t.
- R a n g e r f i l e s.
- R a n g e r c o m m a n d s.
- F i l e s u b s t i t u t i n g.
- C u s t o m.
* T M U X
- S e s s i o n s.
- W i n d o w s.
- P a n e s.
- S y n c.
* T I L I X
- A p p l i c a t i o n.
- t a b s (s e s s i o n s).
- C o l u m n s.
- R e s i z e c o l u m n.
- S e a r c h.
* T E R M I N A T O R
- C r e a t i o n & d e s t r u c t i o n.
- N a v e g a t i o n.
- O r g a n i z a t i o n.
- M i s c e l a n e o u s.
- G r o u p i n g & B r o a d c a s t i n g.
* F I R E F O X
- C u r r e n t p a g e.
- T a b s.
- H i s t o r y
- B o o k m a r k s.
- T o o l s.
- P d f.
- M i s c.
* V I M I U M C
- V i m i u m c n a v i g a t i o n.
- V o m n i b a r.
- F i n d.
- N a v i g a t i n g h i s t o r y.
- T a b s.
* T H U N D E R D B I R D
- B a s e.
- E m a i l.
- C a l e n d a r.
- T a s k s.
- P l u g i n s.
* L I B R E O F F I C E W R I T E R
- F u n c t i o n k e y s.
- B a s e.
- P a r a g r a p h s.
- T a b l e s.
- M o v i n g o b j e c t s.
* L I B R E O F F I C E C A L C
- N a v i g a t i o n.
- F u n c t i o n k e y s.
- F o r m a t c e l l s.
- P i v o t t a b l e.
* F R A N Z
* H E X C H A T
* D I S C O R D
* R O F I
* G I M P [todo]
* I N K S C A P E [todo]
* S C R I B U S [todo]
* S Y N F Y G [todo]
* L I G H T W O R K S [todo]
* N A T R O N [todo]
* B L E N D E R [todo]
* A L I A S E S [todo]
###################################### VIM SHORTCUTS ########################################
--------------------------------------- VIM MOVEMENT ----------------------------------------
vim move: h # left
vim move: j # down
vim move: k # up
vim move: l # right
vim move: H # to top of screen
vim move: M # to middle of screen
vim move: L # to bottom of screen
vim move: w # jump forwards to the start of a word
vim move: W # jump forwards to the start of a word (words can contain punctuation)
vim move: e # jump forwards to the end of a word
vim move: E # jump forwards to the end of a word (words can contain punctuation)
vim move: b # jump backwards to the start of a word
vim move: B # jump backwards to the start of a word (words can contain punctuation)
vim move: 0 # jump to the start of the line
vim move: ^ # jump to the first non-blank character of the line
vim move: $ # jump to the end of the line
vim move: g_ # jump to the last non-blank character of the line
vim move: gg # go to the first line of the document
vim move: G # go to the last line of the document
vim move: 5G # go to line 5
vim move: fx # jump to next occurrence of character x
vim move: tx # jump to before next occurrence of character x
vim move: } # jump to next paragraph (or function/block, when editing code)
vim move: { # jump to previous paragraph (or function/block, when editing code)
vim move: zz # center cursor on screen
vim move: Ctrl + b # move back one full screen
vim move: Ctrl + f # move forward one full screen
vim move: Ctrl + d # move forward 1/2 a screen
vim move: Ctrl + u # move back 1/2 a screen
vim move: lead + hjkl # move window
vim move: lead+cd # cd current file's dir
-------------------------------------- VIM INSERT MODE --------------------------------------
vim insert: i # insert before the cursor
vim insert: I # insert at the beginning of the line
vim insert: a # insert (append) after the cursor
vim insert: A # insert (append) at the end of the line
vim insert: o # append (open) a new line below the current line
vim insert: O # append (open) a new line above the current line
vim insert: ea # insert (append) at the end of the word
vim insert: Esc # exit insert mode
---------------------------------------- VIM EDIT -------------------------------------------
vim edit: r # replace a single character
vim edit: J # join line below to the current one
vim edit: cc # change (replace) entire line
vim edit: cw # change (replace) to the start of the next word
vim edit: ce # change (replace) to the end of the next word
vim edit: cb # change (replace) to the start of the previous word
vim edit: c0 # change (replace) to the start of the line
vim edit: c$ # change (replace) to the end of the line
vim edit: s # delete character and substitute text
vim edit: S # delete line and substitute text (same as cc)
vim edit: xp # transpose two letters (delete and paste)
vim edit: . # repeat last command
vim edit: u # undo
vim edit: Ctrl + r # redo
------------------------------------- VIM VISUAL MODE ---------------------------------------
vim visual: v # start visual mode, mark lines, then do a command (like y-yank)
vim visual: V # start linewise visual mode
vim visual: o # move to other end of marked area
vim visual: O # move to other corner of block
vim visual: aw # mark a word
vim visual: ab # a block with ()
vim visual: aB # a block with {}
vim visual: ib # inner block with ()
vim visual: iB # inner block with {}
vim visual: Esc # exit visual mode
vim visual: Ctrl + v # start visual block mode
vim visual: lead + * # search current selection next
vim visual: lead + # # search current selection prev
vim visual: lead + gv # quick search selection
vim visual: lead + r # search and replace selection
vim visual: $1 $2 $3 $$ $q $e # surround sel. with (),[],[],"",'',""
---------------------------------- VIM VISUAL COMMANDS --------------------------------------
vim visual c: > # shift text right
vim visual c: < # shift text left
vim visual c: y # yank (copy) marked text
vim visual c: d # delete marked text
vim visual c: ~ # switch case
------------------------------------ VIM CUT & PASTE ----------------------------------------
vim cut paste: yy # yank (copy) a line
vim cut paste: 2yy # yank (copy) 2 lines
vim cut paste: yw # yank (copy) the characters of the word from the cursor position to the start of the next word
vim cut paste: y$ # yank (copy) to end of line
vim cut paste: p # put (paste) the clipboard after cursor
vim cut paste: P # put (paste) before cursor
vim cut paste: dd # delete (cut) a line
vim cut paste: 2dd # delete (cut) 2 lines
vim cut paste: dw # delete (cut) the characters of the word from the cursor position to the start of the next word
vim cut paste: D # delete (cut) to the end of the line
vim cut paste: d$ # delete (cut) to the end of the line
vim cut paste: d^ # delete (cut) to the first non-blank character of the line
vim cut paste: d0 # delete (cut) to the begining of the line
vim cut paste: x # delete (cut) character
vim cut paste: lead + pp # toggle paste mode
--------------------------------- VIM SEARCH & REPLACE --------------------------------------
vim search replace: spacebar # search
vim search replace: ctrl+spacebar # search prev
vim search replace: lead+g # quick search
vim search replace: /pattern # search for pattern
vim search replace: ?pattern # search backward for pattern
vim search replace: \vpattern # 'very magic' pattern: non-alphanumeric characters are interpreted as special regex symbols (no escaping needed)
vim search replace: n # repeat search in same direction
vim search replace: N # repeat search in opposite direction
vim search replace: :%s/old/new/g # replace all old with new throughout file
vim search replace: :%s/old/new/gc # replace all old with new throughout file with confirmations
vim search replace: :noh # remove highlighting of search matches
---------------------------------- VIM SEARCH MULTI FILE ------------------------------------
vim search multi: :vimgrep /pattern/ {file} # search for pattern in multiple files
vim search multi: :cn # jump to the next match
vim search multi: :cp # jump to the previous match
vim search multi: :copen # open a window containing the list of matches
--------------------------------------- VIM EXIT --------------------------------------------
vim exit: :w or :w /path # write (save) the file, but don't exit
vim exit: :W # write (save) the file as sudo, but don't exit
vim exit: :w !sudo tee % # write out the current file using sudo
vim exit: :wq or :x or ZZ # write (save) and quit
vim exit: :q # quit (fails if there are unsaved changes)
vim exit: :q! or ZQ # quit and throw away unsaved changes
vim exit: :bd or bd! # Close the file (buffer)
----------------------------------- VIM MULTIPLE FILES--------------------------------------
vim multi file: lead+q # Open buffer for scripbble
vim multi file: lead+bd # close current buffer
vim multi file: lead+ba # close all buffers
vim multi file: :e file # edit a file in a new buffer
vim multi file: :bnext or :bn # go to the next buffer
vim multi file: :bprev or :bp # go to the previous buffer
vim multi file: :bd # delete a buffer (close a file)
vim multi file: :ls # list all open buffers
vim multi file: :sp file # open a file in a new buffer and split window
vim multi file: :vsp file # open a file in a new buffer and vertically split window
vim multi file: Ctrl + wv # split window vertically
vim multi file: Ctrl + ws # split window horizontally
vim multi file: Ctrl + ww # switch windows
vim multi file: Ctrl + wq # quit a window
vim multi file: Ctrl + wv # split window vertically
vim multi file: Ctrl + wh # move cursor to the left window (vertical split)
vim multi file: Ctrl + wl # move cursor to the right window (vertical split)
vim multi file: Ctrl + wj # move cursor to the window below (horizontal split)
vim multi file: Ctrl + wk # move cursor to the window above (horizontal split)
--------------------------------------- VIM TABS --------------------------------------------
vim tabs: lead+tn # open a file in a new tab
vim tabs: lead+to # tab only
vim tabs: lead+tc # tab close
vim tabs: lead+tm # tab move
vim tabs: lead+te # tab edit
vim tabs: <number>gt # move to tab <number>
vim tabs: Ctrl + wT # move the current split window into its own tab
vim tabs: gt or :tabnext or :tabn # move to the next tab
vim tabs: gT or :tabprev or :tabp # move to the previous tab
vim tabs: :tabmove <number> # move current tab to the <number>th position (indexed from 0)
vim tabs: :tabclose or :tabc # close the current tab and all its windows
vim tabs: :tabonly or :tabo # close all tabs except for the current one
vim tabs: :tabdo command # run the command on all tabs (e.g. :tabdo q - closes all opened tabs)
--------------------------------------- VIM CODE FOLDING ------------------------------------
vim folding: zo / zO # Open
vim folding: zc / zC # Close
vim folding: za / zA # Toggle
vim folding: zv # Open folds for this line
vim folding: zM # Close all
vim folding: zR # Open all
vim folding: zm # Fold more (foldlevel += 1)
vim folding: zr # Fold less (foldlevel -= 1)
vim folding: zx # Update folds
vim folding: ADVICE # I recommend using vim-anyfold for better folding.
--------------------------------------- VIM SESSIONS -----------------------------------------
vim sessions: ":mksession /path" # Save the curren vim session.
vim sessions: ":source /path" # Load the specified vim session.
--------------------------------------- VIM COMMAND LINE -----------------------------------
vim command line: iab # Insert timestamp
vim command line: $q # Delete until the last slash
--------------------------------------- VIM PLUGINS -----------------------------------------
vim plugin nerdtree: lead+nn # Toggle tree
vim plugin nerdtree: lead+nf # Tree from bookmark
vim plugin nerdtree: lead+nb # Open Bookmark
vim plugin buferexplorer: lead+o # See and manage current buffers
vim plugin ctrlp.vim: lead+f # Recent files
vim plugin ctrlp.vim: lead+b # Recent buffers
vim plugin ctrlp.vim: <C-f> # Recent files on CWD
vim plugin zen mode: lead+z # Toggle zen mode
vim plugin mult cursors: '<C-s>' # multi_cursor_start_word_key
vim plugin mult cursors: '<A-s>' # multi_cursor_select_all_word_key
vim plugin mult cursors: 'g<C-s>' # multi_cursor_start_key
vim plugin mult cursors: 'g<A-s>' # multi_cursor_select_all_key
vim plugin mult cursors: '<C-s>' # multi_cursor_next_key
vim plugin mult cursors: '<C-p>' # multi_cursor_prev_key
vim plugin mult cursors: '<C-x>' # multi_cursor_skip_key
vim plugin mult cursors: '<Esc>' # multi_cursor_quit_key
vim plugin yankstack: <C-p> # yankstack_substitute_older_paste
vim plugin yankstack: <C-n> # yankstack_substitute_newer_paste
vim plugin ctrl-p: '<C-f>' # g:ctrlp_map
vim plugin ctrl-p: <lead>j # :CtrlP<cr>
vim plugin ctrl-p: <C-b> # :CtrlPBuffer<cr>
vim plugin snipmate: <C-j> # autocomplete
vim plugin surround: Si # Surrounds a string with _() gettext annotation
vim plugin ale: <lead>a # Go to the next Ale syntax/lint error
vim plugin spell checking: lead+ss # toggle spellcheck
vim plugin cope: cc # Open errors bot-right
vim plugin cope: lead+co # Open errors in new tab
vim plugin cope: lead+n # Next-error
vim plugin cope: lead+p # Prev-error
vim plugin anyfold: [[ # Move to the beginning of the current block.
vim plugin anyfold: ]] # Move to the end of the current block.
vim plugin anyfold: ]k # Move to the end of the previous block.
vim plugin anyfold: [j # Move to the beginning of the next block.
#################################### SUBLIME SHORTCUTS ######################################
sublime: ctrl + o # Open file
sublime: ctrl + shift + o # Open directory
sublime: ctrl + shift + s # Save as
sublime: ctrl + n # New tab
sublime: ctrl + w # Close tab
sublime: mayus + alt + number # Set N of columns
sublime: ctrl + number # Select column
sublime: ctrl + mayus + number # Move tab to n column
sublime: ctrl + shift + p # Change syntax
sublime: ctrl + k + b # Toggle tree
##################################### I3WM SHORTCUTS ########################################
---------------------------------------- I3WM BASE ------------------------------------------
i3wm base: ctrl + number # Go to workspace
i3wm base: ctrl + next/prior # Go to next/prior workspace
i3wm base: cmd + arrows # Select application in the current workspace
i3wm base: cmd + shift + number # Move application to workspace
i3wm base: cmd + shift + arrows # Move application
i3wm base: cmd + r # Resize application
i3wm base: cmd + a # Focus parent
i3wm base: cmd + space # Toggle float
i3wm base: cmd + shift + minus # Send to Scratchpad
i3wm base: cmd + minus # Toggle Scratchpad
i3wm base: cmd + ctrl+x # XKill
i3wm base: cmd + n # Show window title
i3wm base: cmd + u # Hide window title
-------------------------------------- I3WM UTILITIES ---------------------------------------
i3wm util: cmd + F1 # Focus ranger
i3wm util: cmd + F2 # Pcmanfm
i3wm util: cmd + shift+F2 # Pcmanfm as sudo
i3wm util: cmd + F3 # calculator
i3wm util: cmd + F4 # i3-easyfocus
i3wm util: cmd + d # rofi
i3wm util: cmd + Tab # rofi-windows
i3wm util: cmd + ctrl + s # rofi-shortcuts
i3wm util: cmd + ctrl + d # rofi-zeal
i3wm util: cmd + ctrl + f # rofi-search
i3wm util: cmd + z # dboxmenu
i3wm util: cmd + ctrl + c # zenity-calendar
i3wm util: cmd + ctrl + w # gnome-weather
i3wm util: cmd + ctrl + a # activities
i3wm util: cmd + ctrl + b # bmenu
-------------------------------- I3WM MULTIMEDIA CONTROLS -----------------------------------
i3wm multi: # Mute
i3wm multi: # Vol up
i3wm multi:: # Vol down
i3wm multi:: # Play/pause
i3wm multi:: # brightness up
i3wm multi:: # brightness down
i3wm multi:: # Toggle trackpad
------------------------------- I3WM NOTIFICATIONS (dunst) ----------------------------------
i3wm notif: ctrl+mod1+h # Close all notifications
i3wm notif: ctrl+mod4+h # Show n otifications h istory
i3wm notif: ctrl+mod1+p # Show c ontext
################################### RANGER SHORTCUTS ########################################
----------------------------------- RANGER BOOKMARKS ----------------------------------------
ranger bookmarks: m - letter # Create bookmark
ranger bookmarks: um - letter # Delete bookmark
ranger bookmarks: ' or ` # Go to a bookmark
ranger bookmarks: gh # Go to home
----------------------------------- RANGER TABS ---------------------------------------------
ranger tabs: C-n # Create new tab
ranger tabs: C-w # Close current tab
ranger tabs: tab # Next tab
ranger tabs: shift + tab # Previous tab
ranger tabs: alt + [n] # goto / create [n] tab
----------------------------------- RANGER MOVEMENT -----------------------------------------
ranger movement: k # up
ranger movement: j # down
ranger movement: h # parent directory
ranger movement: l # subdirectory
ranger movement: gg # go to top of list
ranger movement: G # go t bottom of list
ranger movement: J # half page down
ranger movement: K # half page up
ranger movement: H # History Back
ranger movement: L # History Forward
----------------------------------- RANGER FILES --------------------------------------------
ranger files: <Enter> # Open
ranger files: r # open file with
ranger files: z # toggle settings
ranger files: o # change sort order
ranger files: zh # view hidden files
ranger files: cw # rename current file
ranger files: yy # yank / copy
ranger files: dd # cut
ranger files: pp # paste
ranger files: / # search for files :search
ranger files: n # next match
ranger files: N # prev match
ranger files: <del> # Delete
ranger: 1l # Unzip selected file (uncompress)
----------------------------------- RANGER COMMANDS -----------------------------------------
ranger commands: : # Execute Range Command
ranger commands: ! # Execute Shell Command
ranger commands: chmod # Change file Permissions
ranger commands: du # Disk Usage Current Directory
----------------------------------- FILE SUBSTITUTING ---------------------------------------
ranger subst: %f # Substitute highlighted file
ranger subst: %d # Substitute current directory
ranger subst: %s # Substitute currently selected files
ranger subst: %t # Substitute currently tagged files
ranger subst: :bulkrename %s # Example for substitution
----------------------------------- RANGER CUSTOM -------------------------------------------
ranger: cmd + f1 # Focus ranger
##################################### TMMUX SHORTCUTS #######################################
-------------------------------------- TMUX SESSIONS ----------------------------------------
tmux sessions: mode -> s # Select session. Kill one with 'x'
--------------------------------------- TMUX WINDOWS ----------------------------------------
tmux windows mode -> w # Select window. Kill one with 'x'
-------------------------------------- TMUX PANES -------------------------------------------
tmux panes: mode -> alt + number # Choose a different pane layout. Kill one with 'exit'
tmux panes: mode -> arrow # Select a pane'
-------------------------------------- TMUX SYNC --------------------------------------------
tmux sync: mode -> x # Toggle sync panes on/off
##################################### TILIX SHORTCUTS #######################################
------------------------------------ TILIX APPLICATION --------------------------------------
tilix appl: F11 # Full screen
tilix appl: F12 # Show sessions sidebar
tilix appl: unasigned # Open settings
tilix appl: unasigned # Open shortcuts cheatsheet
--------------------------------- TILIX TABS (SESSIONS) ------------------------------------
tilix tabs: mayus + ctrl + t # New session
tilix tabs: mayus + ctrl + n # New window
tilix tabs: ctrl + pg up # Next session
tilix tabs: ctrl + pg down # Previous session
tilix tabs: ctrl + alt + [n] # Show session n
tilix tabs: ctrl + alt + [n] # Close session
tilix tabs: mayus + ctrl + s # Save session
tilix tabs: unasigned # Save session on file
------------------------------------ TILIX COLUMNS ------------------------------------------
tilix columns: ctrl + alt + r # Split right
tilix columns: ctrl + alt + d # Split down
tilix columns: ctrl + alt + a # Split on aureal pattern
tilix wind: alt + arrow # Select column
--------------------------------- TILIX RESIZE COLUMN ---------------------------------------
tilix resize: ctrl + alt + up # Resize up
tilix resize: ctrl + alt + down # Resize down
tilix resize: ctrl + alt + left # Resize left
tilix resize: ctrl + alt + right # Resize right
---------------------------------- TILIX SEARCH --------------------------------------------
tilix resize: ctrl + shift + f # Search
tilix resize: ctrl + shift + g # Search next
tilix resize: ctrl + shift + h # Search prev
################################### TERMINATOR SHORTCUTS ####################################
------------------------------ TERMINATOR CREATION & DESTRUCTION ----------------------------
terminator creation: Ctrl+Shift+O # Split terminals Horizontally
terminator creation: Ctrl+Shift+E # Split terminals Vertically
terminator creation: Ctrl+Shift+T # Open new tab
terminator creation: Ctrl+Shift+I # Open a new window (as part of the same process).
terminator creation: Alt + L # Open layout launcher
terminator creation: Ctrl + shift + W # Close current terminal.
terminator creation: Ctrl+Shift+Q # Close current window.
----------------------------------- TERMINATOR NAVEGATION -----------------------------------
terminator navegation: Alt+Up # Move to the terminal above the current one.
terminator navegation: Alt+Down # Move to the terminal below the current one.
terminator navegation: Alt+Left # Move to the terminal left of the current one.
terminator navegation: Alt+Right # Move to the terminal right of the current one.
terminator navegation: Ctrl+PageDown # Move to next Tab.
terminator navegation: Ctrl+PageUp # Move to previous Tab.
terminator navegation: Ctrl+Shift+N or Ctrl+Tab # Move to next terminal within the same tab, use Ctrl+PageDown to move to the next tab. If cycle_term_tab is False, cycle within the same tab will be disabled.
terminator navegation: Ctrl+Shift+P or Ctrl+Shift+Tab # Move to previous terminal within the same tab, use Ctrl+PageUp to move to the previous tab. If cycle_term_tab is False, cycle within the same tab will be disabled.
----------------------------------- TERMINATOR ORGANIZATION ---------------------------------
terminator organ: Ctrl+Shift+Right # Move parent dragbar Right.
terminator organ: Ctrl+Shift+Left # Move parent dragbar Left.
terminator organ: Ctrl+Shift+Up # Move parent dragbar Up.
terminator organ: Ctrl+Shift+Down # Move parent dragbar Down.
terminator organ: Super+R # Rotate terminals clockwise.
terminator organ: Drag and Drop # Or you could just drag & drop.
terminator organ: Ctrl+Shift+PageDown # Swap tab position with next Tab.
terminator organ: Ctrl+Shift+PageUp # Swap tab position with previous Tab.
----------------------------------- TERMINATORMISCELANEOUS ----------------------------------
terminator misc: Ctrl+Shift+C # Copy selected text to clipboard.
terminator misc: Ctrl+Shift+V # Paste clipboard text.
terminator misc: Ctrl+Shift+S # Hide/Show Scrollbar.
terminator misc: Ctrl+Shift+F # Search within terminal scrollback.
terminator misc: Ctrl+Shift+R # Reset terminal state.
terminator misc: Ctrl+Shift+G # Reset terminal state and clear window.
terminator misc: Ctrl+Plus (+) # Increase font size. Note: This may require you to press shift, depending on your keyboard.
terminator misc: Ctrl+Minus (-) # Decrease font size. Note: This may require you to press shift, depending on your keyboard.
terminator misc: Ctrl+Zero (0) # Restore font size to original setting.
terminator misc: Ctrl+Alt+W # Rename window title.
terminator misc: Ctrl+Alt+A # Rename tab title.
terminator misc: Ctrl+Alt+X # Rename terminal title.
terminator misc: Super+1 # Insert terminal number, i.e. 1 to 12.
terminator misc: Super+0 # Insert padded terminal number, i.e. 01 to 12
--------------------------------- TERMINATOR GROUPING & BROADCASTING ------------------------
terminator broad: F11 # Toggle window to fullscreen.
terminator broad: Ctrl +Shift + X # Toggle between showing all terminals and only showing the current one (maximise).
terminator broad: Ctrl+Shift+Z # Toggle between showing all terminals and only showing a scaled version of the current one (zoom).
terminator broad: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+A # Hide the initial window. Note that this is a global binding, and can only be bound once.
terminator broad: Super+T # Group all terminals in the current tab so input sent to one of them, goes to all terminals in the current tab.
terminator broad: Super+Shift+T # Remove grouping from all terminals in the current tab.
terminator broad: Super+G # Group all terminals so that any input sent to one of them, goes to all of them.
terminator broad: Super+Shift+G # Remove grouping from all terminals.
terminator broad: Alt+A # Broadcast to All terminals.
terminator broad: Alt+G # Broadcast to Grouped terminals.
terminator broad: Alt+O # Broadcast Off.
################################### FIREFOX SHORTCUTS #######################################
--------------------------------- FIREFOX CURRENT PAGE ------------------------
firefox current pag: F6 # move to the next frame
firefox current pag: Shift + F6 # move to the prev frame
--------------------------------- FIREFOX EDITING ------------------------
firefox edit: Ctrl + Backspace # Delete Word to the Left
firefox edit: Ctrl + Del # Delete Word to the Right
firefox edit: Ctrl + ← # Go one Word to the Left
firefox edit: Ctrl + → # Go one Word to the Right
firefox edit: Ctrl + Home # Go to Beginning of Text
firefox edit: Ctrl + End # Go to End of Text
--------------------------------- FIREFOX SEARCH ------------------------
firefox search: Ctrl + F # Find
firefox search: F3 Ctrl + G # Find Again
firefox search: Shift + F3 Ctrl + Shift + G # Find Previous
firefox search: ' # Quick Find within link-text only
firefox search: / # Quick Find
firefox search: Esc # Close the Find or Quick Find bar - when the Find or Quick Find bar is focused
firefox search: Alt + ↓↑ # Switch Search Engine - after you have written something in the address bar
firefox search: Ctrl + K Ctrl + J # Focus Address bar for Web Search (writes "? " there) - if search bar is not shown
firefox search: Ctrl + K Ctrl + J # Focus Search bar - if search bar is shown
firefox search: Ctrl + ↓ Ctrl + ↑ # Change the Default Search Engine - in the Search bar or the Search field of the New Tab page.
firefox search: Alt + ↓ Alt + ↑ F4 # View menu to switch, add or manage search engines - when the Search bar is focused
--------------------------------- FIREFOX TABS ------------------------
firefox tabs: Ctrl + W Ctrl + F4 # Close Tab - except for Pinned Tabs
firefox tabs: Ctrl + Shift + W Alt + F4 # Close Window
firefox tabs: Ctrl + Tab # Cycle through Tabs in Recently Used Order -if enabled in Preferences
firefox tabs: Ctrl + Q # Quit
firefox tabs: Ctrl+Page Up, Ctrl+Shift+Tab # Go one Tab to the Left
firefox tabs: Ctrl + Page Down Ctrl + Tab # Go one Tab to the Right * if the setting Ctrl+Tab cycles through tabs in recently used order is disabled in Preferences
firefox tabs: Alt + 1 # to 8 Go to Tab 1 to 8
firefox tabs: Alt + 9 # Go to Last Tab
firefox tabs: Ctrl + Shift + Page Up # Move Tab Left
firefox tabs: Ctrl + Shift + Page Down # Move Tab Right
firefox tabs: Ctrl + Shift + Home # Move Tab to start - requires the currently selected tab to be "in focus" for instance, by hitting Alt + D to focus the address bar, and then Shift + Tab until you reach the browser tab bar.
firefox tabs: Ctrl + Shift + End # Move Tab to end - requires the currently selected tab to be "in focus" for instance, by hitting Alt + D to focus the address bar, and then Shift + Tab until you reach the browser tab bar.
firefox tabs: Ctrl + M # Mute/Unmute Audio
firefox tabs: Ctrl + T # New Tab
firefox tabs: Ctrl + N # New Window
firefox tabs: Ctrl + Shift + P # New Private Window
firefox tabs: Alt + Shift + Enter # Open Address or Search in New Background Tab - from address bar
firefox tabs: Alt + Enter # Open Address or Search in New Foreground Tab - from address bar or Search bar
firefox tabs: Shift + Enter # Open Address or Search in New Window - from address bar or the Search field on the New Tab page
firefox tabs: Ctrl + Enter # Open Search in New Background Tab - from the Search field on the New Tab page. (see note, below)
firefox tabs: Ctrl + Shift + Enter # Open Search in New Foreground Tab - from the Search field on the New Tab page. Note: The Foreground and Background Tab shortcuts are switched if the setting When you open a link in a new tab, switch to it immediately is enabled in Preferences
firefox tabs: Enter # Open Focused Bookmark or Link in Current Tab
firefox tabs: Ctrl + Enter # Open Focused Bookmark in New Foreground Tab
firefox tabs: Ctrl + Shift + Enter # Open Focused Bookmark in New Background Tab
firefox tabs: Ctrl + Enter # Open Focused Link in New Background Tab (see note, below)
firefox tabs: Ctrl + Shift + Enter # Open Focused Link in New Foreground Tab Note: The Foreground and Background Tab shortcuts are switched if the setting When you open a link in a new tab, switch to it immediately is enabled in Preferences
firefox tabs: Shift + Enter # Open Focused Bookmark or Link in New Window
firefox tabs: Ctrl + Shift + T # Undo Close Tab
firefox tabs: Ctrl + Shift + N # Undo Close Window
firefox tabs: Ctrl + Shift + X # Moves the URL left or right (if cursor is in the address bar)
--------------------------------- FIREFOX HISTORY ------------------------
firefox history: Ctrl + H # History sidebar
firefox history: Ctrl + Shift + H # Library window (History)
firefox history: Ctrl + Shift + Del # Clear Recent History
--------------------------------- FIREFOX BOOKMARKS ------------------------
firefox marks: Ctrl + D # Bookmark This Page
firefox marks: Ctrl + B # Bookmarks sidebar
firefox marks: Ctrl + Shift + O # Library window (Bookmarks)
--------------------------------- FIREFOX TOOLS ------------------------
firefox tools: Ctrl + Shift + Y # Downloads
firefox tools: Ctrl + Shift + A # Add-ons
firefox tools: F12, Ctrl + Shift + I # Toggle Developer Tools
firefox tools: Ctrl + Shift + K # Web Console
firefox tools: Ctrl + Shift + C # Inspector
firefox tools: Ctrl + Shift + S # Debugger
firefox tools: Shift + F7 # Style Editor
firefox tools: Shift + F5 # Profiler
firefox tools: Ctrl + Shift + E # Network
firefox tools: Shift + F2 # Developer Toolbar
firefox tools: Ctrl + Shift + M # Responsive Design View
firefox tools: Shift + F4 # Scratchpad
firefox tools: Ctrl + U # Page Source
firefox tools: Ctrl + Shift + J # Browser Console
firefox tools: Ctrl + I # Page Info
--------------------------------- FIREFOX PDF VIEWER ------------------------
firefox pdf: N or J or → # Next page
firefox pdf: P or K or ← # Previous page
firefox pdf: Ctrl + # Zoom in
firefox pdf: Ctrl - # Zoom out
firefox pdf: Ctrl + 0 # Automatic Zoom
firefox pdf: R # Rotate the document clockwise
firefox pdf: Shift + R # Rotate counterclockwise
firefox pdf: Ctrl + Alt + P # Switch to Presentation Mode
firefox pdf: S # Choose Text Selection Tool
firefox pdf: H # Choose Hand Tool
firefox pdf: Ctrl + Alt + G # Focus the Page Number input box
--------------------------------- FIREFOX MISCELANEOUS ------------------------
firefox misc: Ctrl + Enter # Complete .com Address
firefox misc: Shift + Del # Delete Selected Autocomplete Entry
firefox misc: F11 # Toggle Full Screen
firefox misc: Alt or F10 # Toggle Menu Bar activation (showing it temporarily when hidden)
firefox misc: Ctrl + Alt + R # Toggle Reader Mode
firefox misc: F7 # Caret Browsing
firefox misc: F6, Alt + D, Ctrl + L # Focus Address Bar
firefox misc: F6, Ctrl + F # Focus Search Field in Library
firefox misc: Esc # Stop Autoscroll Mode
firefox misc: Shift + F10 # Toggle Context Menu
--------------------------------- FIREFOX SIMPLE TABS GROUPS ------------------------
firefox misc: Ctrl + space # Show groups
firefox misc: ctrl+1-9 # Change to a group
################################### VIMIUMC SHORTCUTS #######################################
---------------------------------- VIMIUMC NAVIGATION --------------------------------------
vimiumc nav: ? # This help
vimiumc nav: <c-e>, j # Scroll down
vimiumc nav: <c-y>, k # Scroll up
vimiumc nav: h # Scroll left
vimiumc nav: l # Scroll right
vimiumc nav: gg # Scroll to the top of the page
vimiumc nav: G # Scroll to the bottom of the page
vimiumc nav: zH # Scroll all the way to the left
vimiumc nav: zL # Scroll all the way to the right
vimiumc nav: d # Scroll a page down
vimiumc nav: u # Scroll a page up
vimiumc nav: r # Reload current frame (use hard)
vimiumc nav: <a-r> # Reload N tab(s) (use hard, bypassCache)
vimiumc nav: R # Reload N-th tab (use hard)
vimiumc nav: gs # View page source
vimiumc nav: yy # Copy page's info (use type=url/title/frame, decoded)
vimiumc nav: <f2>, <s-f1> # Blur activeElement or refocus it (use flash, select=""/all/all-line/start/end)
vimiumc nav: <f1> # Simulate backspace once if focused
vimiumc nav: yf # Copy a link URL to the clipboard
vimiumc nav: p # Open the clipboard's URL in the current tab
vimiumc nav: P # Open the clipboard's URL in N new tab(s)
vimiumc nav: gu # Go up the URL hierarchy (use trailingSlash=null/true/false)
vimiumc nav: gU # Go to root of current URL hierarchy
vimiumc nav: gi # Focus the N-th visible text box on the page and cycle using tab (use keep, select=""/all/all-line/start/end)
vimiumc nav: f # Open a link in the current tab (use button=""/right, touch=false/true/"auto")
vimiumc nav: F # Open a link in a new tab
vimiumc nav: <a-f> # Open multiple links in a new tab
vimiumc nav: [[ # Follow the link labeled previous or "<"
vimiumc nav: ]] # Follow the link labeled next or ">"
vimiumc nav: gf # Cycle forward to the next frame on the page
vimiumc nav: gF # Select the tab's main/top frame
vimiumc nav: i # Enter insert mode (use key:string)
vimiumc nav: <f8>, v # Enter visual mode
vimiumc nav: V # Enter visual line mode
vimiumc nav: m # Create a new mark (use swap)
vimiumc nav: ` # Go to a mark (use prefix=true, swap, mapKey)
----------------------------------- VIMIUMC VOMNIBAR ----------------------------------------
vimiumc vomni: O # Open URL, history, ... in a new tab (use keyword, url)
vimiumc vomni: b # Open a bookmark
vimiumc vomni:B # Open a bookmark in a new tab
vimiumc vomni:T # Search through your open t a b s?
vimiumc vomni:ge # Edit the current URL
vimiumc vomni:gE # Edit the current URL and open in a new tab
vimiumc vomni:gn # Toggle styles of vomnibar page (use style=dark, current)
------------------------------------- VIMIUMC FIND ------------------------------------------
vimiumc find: / # Enter find mode (use last, selected=true)
vimiumc find: n # Cycle forward to the next find match
vimiumc find: N # Cycle backward to the previous find match
vimiumc find: <a-n> # Find the second or even earlier query words
-------------------------------- VIMIUMC NAVIGATING HISTORY ---------------------------------
vimiumc history: H # Go back in history (use reuse=-2/-1)
vimiumc history: L # Go forward in history (use reuse=-2/-1)
vimiumc history: <a-R> # Reopen current page
------------------------------------- VIMIUMC TABS -------------------------------------
vimiumc tabs: gt, K, <a-v>, <a-s-c> # Go one tab right
vimiumc tabs: gT, J, <a-c> # Go one tab left
vimiumc tabs: g0 # Go to the first N-th tab
vimiumc tabs: g$ # Go to the last N-th tab
vimiumc tabs: t, <a-t> # Create new tab(s)
vimiumc tabs: yt # Duplicate current tab for N times
vimiumc tabs: x # Close N tab(s) (use mayClose, goto=""/left/right/previous)
vimiumc tabs: X # Restore closed tab(s)
vimiumc tabs: W # Move tab to next window (use right)
vimiumc tabs: <a-p> # Pin or unpin N tab(s)
vimiumc tabs: <a-m> # Mute or unmute current tab (use all, other)
vimiumc tabs: ^ # Go to previously-visited tab on current window
vimiumc tabs: << # Move tab to the left
vimiumc tabs: >> # Move tab to the right
#################################### FRANZ SHORTCUTS ########################################
franz: ctrl-1-9 # Select service
franz: Tab # Move inside of the service
################################### HEXCHAT SHORTCUTS #######################################
hexchat: ctrl+Page # Next or prev channel of the list
hexchat: alt-1-9 # Go to channel
hexchat: Shift-Ctrl-page # Change the order of the servers in the list
hexchat: alt+left or right # Change tab, if they are enabled
hexchat: Shift-page # Next or prev nickname on the list
hexchat: Tab # Complete the command
hexchat: Ctrl+S # Open server memu
################################### DISCORD SHORTCUTS #######################################
discord: Ctrl + ALT + / # Navigate Between Servers
discord: ALT + / # Navigate Between Channels
discord: ALT + Shift + / # Navigate Between Unread Channels
discord: Ctrl + Shift + ALT + / # Navigate Between Unread Channels with Mentions
discord: Escape # Mark Channel as Read
discord: Shift + Escape # Mark Server Read
discord: Ctrl + Slash # Toggle Hotkeys
discord: Ctrl + B # Return to Previous Text Channel
discord: Ctrl + ALT + A # Return to Active Audio Channel
discord: Ctrl + P # Toggle Pins Popout
discord: Ctrl + I # Toggle Mentions Popout
discord: Ctrl + U # Toggle Channel Member List
discord: Ctrl + E # Toggle Emoji Picker
discord: Shift + Page Up # Jump to Oldest Unread Message
discord: Ctrl + Shift + N # Create or Join a Server
discord: Ctrl + Enter # Answer Incoming Call
discord: Ctrl + K # Find or Start a Direct Message
discord: Escape # Decline Incoming Call
discord: Ctrl + Shift + T # Create A Private Group
discord: Ctrl + [ # Start Call in Private Message or Group
discord: Tab # Focus Text Area
discord: ALT + ← # Return to Connected Audio Channel
discord: ALT + → # Return to Previous Text Channel
discord: Ctrl + Shift + M # Toggle Mute
discord: Ctrl + Shift + D # Toggle Deafen
discord: Ctrl + Shift + H # Get Help
discord: Ctrl + Shift + U # Upload a File
#################################### ROFI SHORTCUTS #########################################
rofi: Ctrl-v # Insert: Paste from clipboard
rofi: Ctrl-Shift-v, Shift-Insert: # Paste primary selection
rofi: Ctrl-u # Clear the line
rofi: Ctrl- # Beginning of line
rofi: Ctrl-e # End of line
rofi: Ctrl-f Right # Forward one character
rofi: Alt-f, Ctrl-Right # Forward one word
rofi: Ctrl-b, Left # Back one character
rofi: Alt-b, Ctrl-Left # Back one word
rofi: Ctrl-d, Delete # Delete character
rofi: Ctrl-Alt-d # Delete word
rofi: Ctrl-h, Backspace, Shift-Backspace # Backspace (delete previous character)
rofi: Ctrl-Alt-h # Delete previous word
rofi: Ctrl-j,Ctrl-m,Enter # Accept entry
rofi: Ctrl-n,Down # Select next entry
rofi: Ctrl-p,Up # Select previous entry
rofi: Page Up # Go to previous page
rofi: Page Down # Go to next page
rofi: Ctrl-Page Up # Go to previous column
rofi: Ctrl-Page Down # Go to next column
rofi: Ctrl-Enter # Use entered text as a command (in ssh/run modi)
rofi: Shift-Enter # Launch the application in a terminal (in run mode)
rofi: Shift-Enter # Return the selected entry and move to the next item while keeping rofi open. (in dmenu)
rofi: Shift-Right # Switch to the next mode. The list can be customized with the -switchers argument.
rofi: Shift-Left # Switch to the previous mode. The list can be customized with the -switchers argument.
rofi: Ctrl-Tab # Switch to the next mode. The list can be customized with the -switchers argument.
rofi: Ctrl-Shift-Tab # Switch to the previous mode. The list can be customized with the -switchers argument.
rofi: Ctrl-space # Set selected item as input text.
rofi: Shift-Del # Delete entry from history.
rofi: grave # Toggle case sensitivity.
rofi: Alt-grave # Toggle sorting.
rofi: Alt-Shift-S # Take a screenshot and store it in the Pictures directory.
################################# THUNDERBIRD SHORTCUTS #####################################
------------------------------------- THUNDERBIRD BASE -------------------------------------
thunderbird base: F10, ctrl+f # Open menu
thunderbird base: ctrl+w # Close tab
thunderbird base: ctrl+pag # Next/prev tab
thunderbird base: ctrl+pag # Next/prev tab
thunderbird base: F11 # Open sidebar
------------------------------------- THUNDERBIRD EMAIL -------------------------------------
thunderbird email: ctrl+n # New email
thunderbird email: ctrl+r # Reply email
---------------------------------- THUNDERBIRD CALENDAR -------------------------------------
thunderbird cal: ctrl+shift+c # Open calendar
thunderbird cal: ctrl+i # New event
thunderbird cal: ctrl+a # Select all events
thunderbird cal: ctrl+1-4 # Select day-week-multi-month
---------------------------------- THUNDERBIRD TASKS -------------------------------------
thunderbird task: ctrl+shift+c # Open Tasks
thunderbird task: ctrl+d # Create new task
---------------------------------- THUNDERBIRD PLUGINS -------------------------------------
thunderbird plug: alt+shift+ta # Open Plugins settings
thunderbird plug: alt+shift+tt # Open thunderstats
############################## LIBREOFFICE WRITER SHORTCUTS #################################
------------------------------- LIBREOFFICE FUNCTION KEYS -----------------------------------
libre writer func: F2 # Formula Bar
libre writer func: Ctrl+F2 # Insert Fields
libre writer func: F3 # Complete AutoText
libre writer func: Ctrl+F3 # Edit AutoText
libre writer func: F4 # Open Data Source View
libre writer func: Shift+F4 # Select next frame
libre writer func: F5 # Navigator on/off
libre writer func: Ctrl+Shift+F5 # Navigator on, go to page number
libre writer func: F7 # Spellcheck
libre writer func: Ctrl+F7 # Thesaurus
libre writer func: F8 # Extension mode
libre writer func: Ctrl+F8 # Field shadings on / off
libre writer func: Shift+F8 # Additional selection mode
libre writer func: Ctrl+Shift+F8 # Block selection mode
libre writer func: F9 # Update fields
libre writer func: Ctrl+F9 # Show fields
libre writer func: Shift+F9 # C a l c ulate Table
libre writer func :Ctrl+Shift+F9 # Update Input Fields and Input Lists
libre writer func :Ctrl+F10 # Nonprinting Characters on/off
libre writer func: F11 # Styles and Formatting window on/off
libre writer func: Shift+F11 # Create Style
libre writer func: Ctrl+F11 # Sets focus to Apply Style box
libre writer func: Ctrl+Shift+F11 # Update Style
libre writer func: F12 # Numbering on
libre writer func: Ctrl+F12 # Insert or edit Table
libre writer func: Shift+F12 # Bullets on
libre writer func: Ctrl+Shift+F12 # Numbering / Bullets off
------------------------------- LIBREOFFICE WRITER BASE -----------------------------------
libre writer base: Ctrl+A # Select All
libre writer base: Ctrl+J # Justify
libre writer base: Ctrl+D # Double Underline
libre writer base: Ctrl+E # Centered
libre writer base: Ctrl+H # Find and Replace
libre writer base: Ctrl+Shift+P # Superscript
libre writer base: Ctrl+L # Align Left
libre writer base: Ctrl+R # Align Right
libre writer base: Ctrl+Shift+B # Subscript
libre writer base: Ctrl+Y # Redo last action
libre writer base: Ctrl+0 (zero) # Apply Text Body paragraph style
libre writer base: Ctrl+1 # Apply Heading 1 paragraph style
libre writer base: Ctrl+2 # Apply Heading 2 paragraph style
libre writer base: Ctrl+3 # Apply Heading 3 paragraph style
libre writer base: Ctrl+4 # Apply Heading 4 paragraph style
libre writer base: Ctrl+5 # Apply Heading 5 paragraph style
libre writer base: Ctrl + Plus Key(+) # C a l c ulates the s e l ected text and copies the result to the clipboard.
libre writer base: Ctrl+Hyphen(-) # Soft hyphens; hyphenation set by you.
libre writer base: Ctrl+Shift+minus sign (-) # Non-breaking hyphen (is not used for hyphenation)
libre writer base: Ctrl+multiplication sign * (only on number pad) # Run macro field
libre writer base: Ctrl+Shift+Space # Non-breaking spaces. Non-breaking spaces are not used for hyphenation and are not expanded if the text is justified.
libre writer base: Shift+Enter # Line break without paragraph change
libre writer base: Ctrl+Enter # Manual page break
libre writer base: Ctrl+Shift+Enter # Column break in multicolumnar texts
libre writer base: Alt+Enter # Inserting a new paragraph without numbering inside a list. Does not work when the cursor is at the end of the list.
libre writer base: Alt+Enter # Inserting a new paragraph directly before or after a section, or before a table.
libre writer base: Arrow Left # Move cursor to left
libre writer base: Shift+Arrow Left # Move cursor with selection to the left
libre writer base: Ctrl+Arrow Left # Go to beginning of word
libre writer base: Ctrl+Shift+Arrow # Selecting word by word
libre writer base: Arrow Right # Move cursor to right
libre writer base: Shift+Arrow # Move cursor with selection to the right
libre writer base: Ctrl+Arrow # Go to start of next word
libre writer base: Ctrl+Shift+Arrow # Selecting to the right word by word
libre writer base: Arrow Up # Move cursor up one line
libre writer base: Shift+Arrow Up # Selecting lines in an upwards direction
libre writer base: Ctrl+Arrow Up # Move cursor to beginning of the previous paragraph
libre writer base: Ctrl+Shift+Arrow # Select to beginning of paragraph. Next keystroke extends selection to beginning of previous paragraph
libre writer base: Arrow Down # Move cursor down one line
libre writer base: Shift+Arrow Down # Selecting lines in a downward direction
libre writer base: Ctrl+Arrow Down # Move cursor to beginning of next paragraph.
libre writer base: Ctrl+Shift+Arrow # Select to end of paragraph. Next keystroke extends selection to end of next paragraph
libre writer base: Home # Go to beginning of line
libre writer base: Home+Shift # Go and select to the beginning of a line
libre writer base: End # Go to end of line
libre writer base: End+Shift # Go and select to end of line
libre writer base: Ctrl+Home # Go to start of document
libre writer base: Ctrl+Home+Shift # Go and select text to start of document
libre writer base: Ctrl+End # Go to end of document
libre writer base: Ctrl+End+Shift # Go and select text to end of document
libre writer base: Ctrl+PageUp # Switch cursor between text and header
libre writer base: Ctrl+PageDown # Switch cursor between text and footer
libre writer base: Insert # Insert mode on/off
libre writer base: PageUp # Screen page up
libre writer base: Shift+PageUp # Move up screen page with selection
libre writer base: PageDown # Move down screen page
libre writer base: Shift+PageDown # Move down screen page with selection
libre writer base: Ctrl+Del # Delete text to end of word
libre writer base: Ctrl+Backspace # Delete text to beginning of word. In a list: delete an empty paragraph in front of the current paragraph
libre writer base: Ctrl+Del+Shift # Delete text to end of sentence
libre writer base: Ctrl+Shift+Back.s # Delete text to beginning of sentence
libre writer base: Ctrl+Tab # Next suggestion with Automatic Word Completion
libre writer base: Ctrl+Shift+Tab # Use previous suggestion with Automatic Word Completion
libre writer base: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V # Paste the contents of the clipboard as unformatted text.
libre writer base: Ctrl + double-click or Ctrl + Shift + F10 # Use this combination to quickly dock or undock the Navigator, Styles and Formatting window, or other windows
-------------------- LIBREOFFICE WRITER PARAGRAPH AND HEADING LEVELS ------------------------
libre writer parag: Ctrl+Alt+UpArrow # Move the active paragraph or selected paragraphs up one paragraph.
libre writer parag: Ctrl+Alt+Down Arrow # Move the active paragraph or selected paragraphs down one paragraph.
libre writer parag: Tab # The heading in format "Heading X" (X = 1-9) is moved down one level in the outline.
libre writer parag: Shift+Tab # The heading in format "Heading X" (X = 2-10) is moved up one level in the outline.
libre writer parag: CTRL+Tab # Inserts tab in front of the heading.
------------------------------- LIBREOFFICE WRITER TABLES -----------------------------------
libre writer tables: Ctrl+A # If the active cell is empty: selects the whole table. Otherwise: selects the contents of the active cell. Pressing again selects the entire table.
libre writer tables: Ctrl+Home # If the active cell is empty: goes to the beginning of the table. Otherwise: first press goes to beginning of the active cell, second press goes to beginning of the current table, third press goes to beginning of document.
libre writer tables: Ctrl+End # If the active cell is empty: goes to the end of the table. Otherwise: first press goes to the end of the active cell, second press goes to the end of the current table, third press goes to the end of the document.
libre writer tables: Ctrl+Tab # Inserts a tab stop (only in tables). Depending on the Window Manager in use, Alt+Tab may be used instead.
libre writer tables: Alt+Arrow Keys # Increases/decreases the size of the column/row on the right/bottom cell edge
libre writer tables: Alt+Shift+Arrow Keys # Increase/decrease the size of the column/row on the left/top cell edge
libre writer tables: Alt+Ctrl+Arrow Keys # Like Alt, but only the active cell is modified
libre writer tables: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Arrow Keys # Like Alt, but only the active cell is modified
libre writer tables: Alt+Insert # 3 seconds in Insert mode, Arrow Key inserts row/column, Ctrl+Arrow Key inserts cell
libre writer tables: Alt+Del # 3 seconds in Delete mode, Arrow key deletes row/column, Ctrl+Arrow key merges cell with neighboring cell
libre writer tables: Shift+Ctrl+Del # If no whole cell is selected, the text from the cursor to the end of the current sentence is deleted. If the cursor is at the end of a cell, and no whole cell is selected, the contents of the next cell are deleted. If no whole cell is selected and the cursor is at the end of the table, the paragraph following the table will be deleted, unless it is the last paragraph in the document. If one or more cells are selected, the whole rows containing the selection will be deleted. If all rows are selected completely or partially, the entire table will be deleted.
-------------------------- LIBREOFFICE WRITER MOVING OBJECTS -------------------------------
libre writer move obj: Esc # Cursor is inside a text frame and no text is selected: Escape selects the text frame. Text frame is selected: Escape clears the cursor from the text frame.
F2 or Enter or any key # If a text frame is selected: positions the cursor to the end of the text in the text frame. If you press any key that produces a character on screen, and the document is in edit mode, the character is appended to the text.
libre writer move obj: Alt+Arrow Keys # Move object.
libre writer move obj: Alt+Ctrl+Arrow Keys # Resizes by moving lower right corner.
libre writer move obj: Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Arrow # Keys Resizes by moving top left corner.
libre writer move obj: Ctrl+Tab # Selects the anchor of an object (in Edit Points mode).
############################### LIBREOFFICE CALC SHORTCUTS ##################################
------------------------------ LIBREOFFICE CALC NAVIGATION ----------------------------------
libre calc nav: Ctrl+Home # Moves the cursor to the first cell in the sheet (A1).
libre calc nav: Ctrl+End # Moves the cursor to the last cell on the sheet that contains data.
libre calc nav: Home # Moves the cursor to the first cell of the current row.
libre calc nav: End # Moves the cursor to the last cell of the current row.
libre calc nav: Shift+Home # Selects cells from the current cell to the first cell of the current row.
libre calc nav: Shift+End # Selects cells from the current cell to the last cell of the current row.
libre calc nav: Shift+Page Up # Selects cells from the current cell up to one page in the current column or extends the existing selection one page up.
libre calc nav: Shift+Page Down # Selects cells from the current cell down to one page in the current column or extends the existing selection one page down.
libre calc nav: Ctrl+Left Arrow # Moves the cursor to the left edge of the current data range. If the column to the left of the cell that contains the cursor is empty, the cursor moves to the next column to the left that contains data.
libre calc nav: Ctrl+Right Arrow # Moves the cursor to the right edge of the current data range. If the column to the right of the cell that contains the cursor is empty, the cursor moves to the next column to the right that contains data.
libre calc nav: Ctrl+Up Arrow # Moves the cursor to the top edge of the current data range. If the row above the cell that contains the cursor is empty, the cursor moves up to the next row that contains data.
libre calc nav: Ctrl+Down Arrow # Moves the cursor to the bottom edge of the current data range. If the row below the cell that contains the cursor is empty, the cursor moves down to the next row that contains data.
libre calc nav: Ctrl+Shift+Arrow # Selects all cells containing data from the current cell to the end of the continuous range of data cells, in the direction of the arrow pressed. If used to select rows and columns together, a rectangular cell range is selected.
libre calc nav: Ctrl+Page Up # Moves one sheet to the left.
libre calc nav: Ctrl+Page Down # Moves one sheet to the right.
libre calc nav: Alt+Page Up # Moves one screen to the left.
libre calc nav: Alt+Page Down # Moves one screen page to the right.
libre calc nav: Shift+Ctrl+Page Up # Adds the previous sheet to the current selection of sheets. If all the sheets in a spreadsheet are selected, this shortcut key combination only selects the previous sheet. Makes the previous sheet the current sheet.
libre calc nav: Shift+Ctrl+Page Down # Adds the next sheet to the current selection of sheets. If all the sheets in a spreadsheet are selected, this shortcut key combination only selects the next sheet. Makes the next sheet the current sheet.
libre calc nav: Ctrl+ * # Selects the data range that contains the cursor. A range is a contiguous cell range that contains data and is bounded by empty row and columns.
libre calc nav: Ctrl+ / # Selects the matrix formula range that contains the cursor.
libre calc nav: Ctrl+Plus key # Insert cells (as in menu Insert - Cells)
libre calc nav: Ctrl+Minus key # Delete cells (as in menu Edit - Delete Cells)
libre calc nav: Enter (in a selected range) # Moves the cursor down one cell in a selected range. To specify the direction that the cursor moves, choose Tools - Options - LibreOffice Calc - General.
libre calc nav: Ctrl+ ` # Displays or hides the formulas instead of the values in all cells.
---------------------------- LIBREOFFICE CALC FUNCTION KEYS ---------------------------------
libre calc func: Ctrl+F1 # Displays the comment that is attached to the current cell
libre calc func: F2 # Switches to Edit mode and places the cursor at the end of the contents of the current cell. Press again to exit Edit mode. If the cursor is in an input box in a dialog that has a Minimize button, the dialog is hidden and the input box remains visible. Press F2 again to show the whole dialog.
libre calc func: Ctrl+F2 # Opens the Function Wizard.
libre calc func: Shift+Ctrl+F2 # Moves the cursor to the Input line where you can enter a formula for the current cell.
libre calc func: Ctrl+F3 # Opens the Define Names dialog.
libre calc func: F4 # Shows or Hides the Database explorer.
libre calc func: Shift+F4 # Rearranges the relative or absolute references (for example, A1, $A$1, $A1, A$1) in the input field.
libre calc func: F5 # Shows or hides the Navigator.
libre calc func: Shift+F5 # Traces dependents.
libre calc func: Shift+F7 # Traces precedents.
libre calc func: Shift+Ctrl+F5 # Moves the cursor from the Input line to the Sheet area box.
libre calc func: F7 # Checks spelling in the current sheet.
libre calc func: Ctrl+F7 # Opens the Thesaurus if the current cell contains text.
libre calc func: F8 # Turns additional selection mode on or off. In this mode, you can use the arrow keys to extend the selection. You can also click in another cell to extend the selection.
libre calc func: Ctrl+F8 # Highlights cells containing values.
libre calc func: F9 # Recalculates changed formulas in the current sheet.
libre calc func: Ctrl+Shift+F9 # Recalculates all formulas in all sheets.
libre calc func: Ctrl+F9 # Updates the selected chart.
libre calc func: F11 # Opens the Styles and Formatting window where you can apply a formatting style to the contents of the cell or to the current sheet.
libre calc func: Shift+F11 # Creates a document template.
libre calc func: Shift+Ctrl+F11 # Updates the templates.
libre calc func: F12 # Groups the selected data range.
libre calc func: Ctrl+F12 # Ungroups the selected data range.
libre calc func: Alt+Down Arrow # Increases the height of current row (only in OpenOffice.org legacy compatibility mode).
libre calc func: Alt+Up Arrow # Decreases the height of current row (only in OpenOffice.org legacy compatibility mode).
libre calc func: Alt+Right Arrow # Increases the width of the current column.
libre calc func: Alt+Left Arrow # Decreases the width of the current column.
libre calc func: Alt+Shift+Arrow # Optimizes the column width or row height based on the current cell.
----------------------------- LIBREOFFICE CALC FORMAT CELLS --------------------------------
libre calc cell format: Ctrl+1 # Open Format Cells dialog
libre calc cell format: Ctrl+Shift+1 # Two decimal places, thousands separator
libre calc cell format: Ctrl+Shift+2 # Standard exponential format
libre calc cell format: Ctrl+Shift+3 # Standard date format
libre calc cell format: Ctrl+Shift+4 # Standard currency format
libre calc cell format: Ctrl+Shift+5 # Standard percentage format (two decimal places)
libre calc cell format: Ctrl+Shift+6 # Standard format
----------------------------- LIBREOFFICE CALC PIVOT TABLE ---------------------------------
libre calc cell pivot: Tab # Changes the focus by moving forwards through the areas and buttons of the dialog.
libre calc cell pivot: Shift+Tab # Changes the focus by moving backwards through the areas and buttons of the dialog.
libre calc cell pivot: Up Arrow # Moves the focus up one item in the current dialog area.
libre calc cell pivot: Down Arrow # Moves the focus down one item in the current dialog area.
libre calc cell pivot: Left Arrow # Moves the focus one item to the left in the current dialog area.
libre calc cell pivot: Right Arrow # Moves the focus one item to the right in the current dialog area.
libre calc cell pivot: Home # Selects the first item in the current dialog area.
libre calc cell pivot: End # Selects the last item in the current dialog area.
libre calc cell pivot: Alt # Copies or moves the current field into the "Row" area.
libre calc cell pivot: Alt # Copies or moves the current field into the "Column" area.
libre calc cell pivot: Alt # Copies or moves the current field into the "Data" area.
libre calc cell pivot: Ctrl+Up # Arrow Moves the current field up one place.
libre calc cell pivot: Ctrl+Down # Arrow Moves the current field down one place.
libre calc cell pivot: Ctrl+Left # Arrow Moves the current field one place to the left.
libre calc cell pivot: Ctrl+Right # Arrow Moves the current field one place to the right.
libre calc cell pivot: Ctrl+Home # Moves the current field to the first place.
libre calc cell pivot: Ctrl+End # Moves the current field to the last place.
libre calc cell pivot: Alt+O # Displays the options for the current field.
libre calc cell pivot: Delete # Removes the current field from the area.
################################# CLIPIT #####################################f
clipit: alt+ctrl+h # Open clipboard
clipit: alt+ctrl+f # Find on history
################################# GIMP #####################################
################################# INKSCAPE #####################################
################################# SCRIBUS #####################################
################################# SYNFIG #####################################
################################# LIGHTWORKS #####################################
################################# NATRON #####################################
################################# BLENDER #####################################
################################# ALIASES #####################################
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