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synced 2025-01-22 22:19:36 +01:00
Update tmux status bar
This commit is contained in:
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ setw -g mouse on
# source the .tmux.conf file with prefix + r
bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; display "Configuration Reloaded!"
bind r source-file ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf \; display "Configuration Reloaded!"
bind-key - split-window -v
bind-key '\' split-window -h
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ bind-key C-j join-pane
# status bar theme
set -g status 'on'
set -g status-bg 'colour235'
# set -g status-bg 'colour235'
set -g status-justify 'centre'
set -g status-style 'none'
set -g status-left-style 'none'
@ -120,14 +120,14 @@ set -g pane-border-style fg='colour238'
setw -g window-status-style fg='colour121',bg='colour235','none'
setw -g window-status-activity-style bg='colour235',fg='colour154','none'
setw -g window-status-separator ''
set -g status-left '#[fg=colour0,bg=colour11] #S #[fg=colour11,bg=colour12,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour0,bg=colour12] #W #[fg=colour12,bg=default,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]'
set-option -g status-style bg=default
set -g status-left '#[fg=colour232,bg=colour37] #S #[fg=colour37,bg=colour73,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour232,bg=colour73] #W #[fg=colour73,bg=default,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics] '
# above status + whoami and uptime
# set -g status-left '#[fg=colour232,bg=colour154] #S #[fg=colour154,bg=colour238,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour222,bg=colour238] #W #[fg=colour238,bg=colour235,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour121,bg=colour235] #(whoami) #(uptime | cut -d " " -f 1,2,3) #[fg=colour235,bg=colour235,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]'
setw -g window-status-current-format '#[fg=colour235,bg=colour235,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=default,bg=colour235,bold,underscore]#I #W #F#[fg=colour235,bg=default,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]'
setw -g window-status-format '#[fg=colour235,bg=colour235,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour150,bg=default]#I #W#[fg=colour235,bg=colour235,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]'
set -g status-right '#[fg=colour235,bg=default,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour121,bg=colour235]%R %a %h-%d #[fg=colour37,bg=colour235,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics] #{prefix_highlight}'
setw -g window-status-current-format '#[fg=colour12,bg=default,nobold,nounderscore]#[fg=colour0,bg=colour12,noreverse,bold] #I #W #F #[fg=colour12,bg=default,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]'
setw -g window-status-format '#[fg=colour10,bg=default,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour0,bg=colour10] #I #W #[fg=colour10,bg=default,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]'
set -g status-right '#{pomodoro_status}#[fg=colour14,bg=default,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour0,bg=colour14] %R %a %h-%d #[fg=colour12,bg=colour14,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour0,bg=colour12] #{battery_color_charge_fg}#[bg=colour12]#{battery_icon} #{battery_percentage}#[fg=colour9,bg=colour12,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics] #{prefix_highlight}'
set -g status-interval 1
@ -137,9 +137,9 @@ set-option -g automatic-rename-format '#{b:pane_current_path}'
# Plugin Customizations
set -g @prefix_highlight_fg 'colour0'
set -g @prefix_highlight_bg 'colour9'
set -g @prefix_highlight_sync_mode_attr 'fg=colour0,bg=colour9,bold'
set -g @prefix_highlight_copy_mode_attr 'fg=colour0,bg=colour9,bold'
set -g @prefix_highlight_bg 'colour37'
set -g @prefix_highlight_sync_mode_attr 'fg=colour0,bg=colour36'
set -g @prefix_highlight_copy_mode_attr 'fg=colour0,bg=colour33'
set -g @prefix_highlight_show_copy_mode 'on'
set -g @prefix_highlight_show_sync_mode 'on'
set -g @prefix_highlight_sync_prompt 'SYNC'
@ -153,10 +153,10 @@ set -g @copycat_ip_search 'M-i'
set -g @copytk-copy-command "xsel --clipboard"
set -g @menus_trigger 'h'
set -g @pomodoro_start 'a' # Start a Pomodoro with tmux-prefix + p
set -g @pomodoro_cancel 'A' # Cancel a Pomodoro with tmux-prefix key + P
set -g @pomodoro_on " #[fg=$text_red]🍅 " # The formatted output when the pomodoro is running
set -g @pomodoro_complete " #[fg=$text_green]🍅 " # The formatted output when the break is running
# set -g @pomodoro_start 'a' # Start a Pomodoro with tmux-prefix + p
# set -g @pomodoro_cancel 'A' # Cancel a Pomodoro with tmux-prefix key + P
# set -g @pomodoro_on " #[fg=$text_red]🍅 " # The formatted output when the pomodoro is running
# set -g @pomodoro_complete " #[fg=$text_green]🍅 " # The formatted output when the break is running
# set -g @continuum-boot 'on'
# set -g @continuum-restore 'on'
@ -174,6 +174,6 @@ set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-cowboy'
set -g @plugin 'jaclu/tmux-menus'
set -g @plugin 'laktak/extrakto'
set -g @plugin 'CrispyConductor/tmux-copy-toolkit'
set -g @plugin 'olimorris/tmux-pomodoro-plus'
run '~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm'
# set -g @plugin 'olimorris/tmux-pomodoro-plus'
run '~/.config/tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm'
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