var store = [{ "title": "First blog post", "excerpt":"Hello, World!* So here I am and welcome to my first blog. Having a personal space on the Internet has been a dream for me for years and I am happy that it finally have come true. You might think that I could sign-up for a social media platform and...","categories": [], "tags": [], "url": "/2021/12/24/first-blog-post.html", "teaser": null },{ "title": "Stop cat-pipe'ing, You Are Doing It Wrong!", "excerpt":"cat some_file | grep some_pattern I’m sure that you run a command something like above at least once if you are using terminal. You know how cat and grep works and you also know what pipe (|) does. So you naturally combine all of these to make the job done....","categories": [], "tags": ["cat","grep","linux","command-line"], "url": "/2022/01/01/stop-cat-pipeing.html", "teaser": null },{ "title": "Automatically Build and Deploy Your Site using GitHub Actions and Webhooks", "excerpt":"In this post I will explain how you can use GitHub to automate the build and deployment processes that you have. I am going to automate the deployment of this site but you can do whatever you want. Just understanding the basics will be enough. Introduction to GitHub Actions and...","categories": [], "tags": ["github-actions","github-webhooks","ci-cd"], "url": "/2022/01/04/build-and-deploy-automatically.html", "teaser": null },{ "title": "Using ffmpeg for Simple Video Editing", "excerpt":"Story Today, I have recorded a video for one of my classes and I was required to upload it till midnight. The video was perfect except for a few seconds where I misspelled some words and started again. I had to remove that part from the video before uploading it....","categories": [], "tags": ["cli","ffmpeg"], "url": "/2022/01/21/ffmpeg-to-rescue.html", "teaser": null }]