Confession Time

1 minute read

Last week, I received an email from LetsEncrypt reminding me to renew my certificates. I forgot to renew it and the certificate expired. Now I can’t send or receive any emails. If you send me email in the last week and wonder why I didn’t respond, this is the reason.

Anyway, I thought it will be easy to fix. Just run certbot again and let him do the job, right? NOPE. It is not that easy. It is just giving me errors with some success messages. If I was not so clueless about what the heck I am doing, I could fix the error. But I don’t know anything about how SSL works and it is a shame.

I don’t even know the subject enough to Google it. I feel like I am the only guy in the planet whose certificate is expired. Seriously, how tf I can’t find a solution to a such common problem? There was a saying like, “If you can’t find something on the internet, there is a high chance that you are being stupid”. It was not exactly like this but I can’t find the original quote either. Argghh…

If you know the original quote, email me… No, do not email because it does not work. F%ck this thing. F*%k everything. I deserved this. Do not help. If I can’t fix this by myself, I should not call myself computer engineer. I am out.
