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<meta name="description" content="Story Today, I have recorded a video for one of my classes and I was required to upload it till midnight. The video was perfect except for a few seconds where I misspelled some words and started again. I had to remove that part from the video before uploading it. Since I was low on time, I thought that I better use a GUI program to do this job. I opened up Kdenlive and jumped into editing my video. It was my first time using it so I spent some time to cut and delete the parts that I want to get rid of. When I was ready, I clicked Render button to render my video. It was waaay too slow than I expected. Since I have nothing to do while waiting for render to finish, I thought I could give ffmpeg a shot.">
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<meta property="og:description" content="Story Today, I have recorded a video for one of my classes and I was required to upload it till midnight. The video was perfect except for a few seconds where I misspelled some words and started again. I had to remove that part from the video before uploading it. Since I was low on time, I thought that I better use a GUI program to do this job. I opened up Kdenlive and jumped into editing my video. It was my first time using it so I spent some time to cut and delete the parts that I want to get rid of. When I was ready, I clicked Render button to render my video. It was waaay too slow than I expected. Since I have nothing to do while waiting for render to finish, I thought I could give ffmpeg a shot.">
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<meta itemprop="headline" content="Using ffmpeg for Simple Video Editing">
<meta itemprop="description" content="StoryToday, I have recorded a video for one of my classes and I was required to upload it till midnight. The video was perfect except for a few seconds where I misspelled some words and started again. I had to remove that part from the video before uploading it. Since I was low on time, I thought that I better use a GUI program to do this job. I opened up Kdenlive and jumped into editing my video. It was my first time using it so I spent some time to cut and delete the parts that I want to get rid of. When I was ready, I clicked Render button to render my video. It was waaay too slow than I expected. Since I have nothing to do while waiting for render to finish, I thought I could give ffmpeg a shot.">
<meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2022-01-21T20:40:00+00:00">
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<h1 id="page-title" class="page__title" itemprop="headline">Using ffmpeg for Simple Video Editing
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<time datetime="2022-01-21T20:40:00+00:00">January 21, 2022</time>
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<h2 id="story">Story</h2>
<p>Today, I have recorded a video for one of my classes and I was required to upload it till midnight. The video was perfect except for a few seconds where I misspelled some words and started again. I had to remove that part from the video before uploading it. Since I was low on time, I thought that I better use a GUI program to do this job. I opened up <a href="">Kdenlive</a> and jumped into editing my video. It was my first time using it so I spent some time to cut and delete the parts that I want to get rid of. When I was ready, I clicked Render button to render my video. It was waaay too slow than I expected. Since I have nothing to do while waiting for render to finish, I thought I could give <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">ffmpeg</code> a shot.</p>
<h2 id="let-the-show-begin">Let the show begin</h2>
<p>Like Kdenlive, I have never used <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">ffmpeg</code> before. Like every normal Linux user do, I opened up a terminal and typed <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">man ffmpeg</code> to learn how to use it… Just kidding :D I opened a browser and typed <em>“ffmpeg cut video by time”</em>. Not the best search query, but it was good enough to find what I am looking for as the <a href="">first result</a>.</p>
<h3 id="cutting-the-videos-based-on-start-and-end-time">Cutting the videos based on start and end time</h3>
<p>According to answers on the page I mentioned, I run the following commands to cut my video into two parts:</p>
<div class="language-bash highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>ffmpeg <span class="nt">-ss</span> 00:00:00 <span class="nt">-to</span> 00:01:55 <span class="nt">-i</span> <span class="nt">-c</span> copy part1.mp4 <span class="c"># take from 00:00 to 01:55</span>
ffmpeg <span class="nt">-ss</span> 00:02:03 <span class="nt">-to</span> 00:05:17 <span class="nt">-i</span> <span class="nt">-c</span> copy part2.mp4 <span class="c"># take from 02:03 to 05:17</span>
<p>These two commands run <strong>instantly</strong>! Kdenlive was still rendering… The progress was 46%. Meh… I said “Duck it, I am gonna use ffmpeg only” and cancelled the rendering.</p>
<h3 id="concatenating-the-video-files">Concatenating the video files</h3>
<p>Now we have two videos that we want to join. Guess what will be our next search query? <em>“ffmpeg join videos”</em>. And <a href="">here</a> is the first result:</p>
<div class="language-bash highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code><span class="nb">echo </span>file part1.mp4 <span class="o">&gt;&gt;</span> mylist.txt
<span class="nb">echo </span>file part2.mp4 <span class="o">&gt;&gt;</span> mylist.txt
ffmpeg <span class="nt">-f</span> concat <span class="nt">-i</span> mylist.txt <span class="nt">-c</span> copy result.mp4
<p>And we are DONE! How easy was that? Whole process took about 10 minutes including my search on the internet. If I continued waiting for Kdenlive to finish rendering, I would probably be still waiting at that time. I love the power of command line!</p>
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<p class="page__date"><strong><i class="fas fa-fw fa-calendar-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> Updated:</strong> <time datetime="2022-01-21T20:40:00+00:00">January 21, 2022</time></p>
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