if (window.location.href.includes("sahibinden.com")) { const title = document.querySelector('div.classifiedDetailTitle>h1'); const button = document.createElement("button"); button.innerText = "Parse it" title.appendChild(button) const priceTag = document.querySelector('div.classifiedInfo>h3'); const locationTag = document.querySelector('div.classifiedInfo > h2 '); const infoTag = document.querySelector('div.classifiedInfo>ul.classifiedInfoList '); const desc = document.querySelector("div#classifiedDescription > p") if (title) { const dataObject = { content: title.textContent, // Adjust this based on your needs }; console.log(dataObject ) const priceObj = priceTag.textContent.split("\n") const price = priceObj.find(item=>item.trim()).trim() console.log(price) const location = locationTag.textContent.split("\n").map(item=>item.trim()).filter(item=>item).join(' ') console.log(location) const description = document.querySelector('.classifiedDescription'); if (infoTag) { const infoItems = infoTag.querySelectorAll('li'); const resultObject = {}; infoItems.forEach((li) => { const fieldName = li.querySelector('strong').textContent.trim(); const fieldValue = li.querySelector('span').textContent.trim(); resultObject[fieldName] = fieldValue; }); console.log(resultObject) } console.log(desc.innerText) const h3Elements = description.querySelectorAll('h3'); const descriptionObject = {}; h3Elements.forEach((h3) => { const category = h3.textContent.trim(); const ul = h3.nextElementSibling; if (ul && ul.tagName === 'UL') { const liElements = ul.querySelectorAll('li'); const itemsInfo = []; liElements.forEach((li) => { const itemText = li.textContent.trim(); const isSelected = li.classList.contains('selected'); // Add information about the item to the array itemsInfo.push({ item: itemText, selected: isSelected, }); }); descriptionObject[category] = itemsInfo; } }); console.log(descriptionObject); // Send the data to the background script // chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ data: dataObject }); } }