from libqtile.config import Group, Key, Match, ScratchPad, DropDown from libqtile.lazy import lazy from .keys import keys, mod groups = [Group(i) for i in "1234567890"] browsers = [ Match(wm_class="firefox"), Match(wm_class="Google-chrome")] file_managers = [Match(wm_class="Thunar")] video_players = [ Match(wm_class="streamlink-twitch-gui"), Match(wm_class="mpv")] groups = [ Group('1'), Group('2', matches=[Match(wm_class="VirtualBox Manager")]), Group('3', matches=[Match(wm_class="Thunderbird")]), Group('4', matches=[Match(wm_class="st-256color")]), Group('5', matches=file_managers), Group('6'), Group('7', matches=browsers), Group('8', matches=video_players), Group('9'), Group('0', matches=[Match(wm_class="TelegramDesktop")]), ] groups.append(ScratchPad("scratchpad", [ # define a drop down terminal. # it is placed in the upper third of screen by default. DropDown("term", "st", opacity=1.0) ])) symbols = 'arstgmneio' for i, j in zip(groups, symbols): keys.extend([ Key([mod], j,[].toscreen(), desc="Switch to group {}".format(, Key([mod, "shift"], j, lazy.window.togroup(, switch_group=True), desc="Switch to & move focused window to group {}".format(, ])