# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:ft=conf:foldmethod=marker #: Diffing {{{ syntax_aliases pyj:py recipe:py #: File extension aliases for syntax highlight For example, to syntax #: highlight file.xyz as file.abc use a setting of xyz:abc num_context_lines 3 #: The number of lines of context to show around each change. diff_cmd auto #: The diff command to use. Must contain the placeholder _CONTEXT_ #: which will be replaced by the number of lines of context. The #: default is to search the system for either git or diff and use #: that, if found. replace_tab_by \x20\x20\x20\x20 #: The string to replace tabs with. Default is to use four spaces. #: }}} #: Colors {{{ pygments_style monokai #: The pygments color scheme to use for syntax highlighting. See #: pygments colors schemes for #: a list of schemes. foreground #EDDFAA background #252322 #: Basic colors title_fg #EDDFAA title_bg #2D2A28 #: Title colors margin_fg #48403A margin_bg #2D2A28 #: Margin colors removed_bg #23090A highlight_removed_bg #EB5864 removed_margin_bg #37080B #: Removed text backgrounds added_bg #164113 highlight_added_bg #16670B added_margin_bg #16670B #: Added text backgrounds filler_bg #2D2A28 #: Filler (empty) line background hunk_margin_bg #FEC14E hunk_bg #FEC14E #: Hunk header colors search_bg #FEC14E search_fg black select_bg #6F96FF select_fg #252322 #: Highlighting #: }}} #: Keyboard shortcuts {{{ ##### map q quit map esc quit map j scroll_by 1 map down scroll_by 1 map k scroll_by -1 map up scroll_by -1 ##### ##### map home scroll_to start map g scroll_to start map end scroll_to end map shift+g scroll_to end ##### ##### map page_down scroll_to next-page map ctrl+d scroll_to next-page map space scroll_to next-page map page_up scroll_to prev-page map ctrl+u scroll_to prev-page map backspace scroll_to prev-page ##### ##### map n scroll_to next-change map l scroll_to next-change map p scroll_to prev-change map h scroll_to prev-change ##### map a change_context all map = change_context default map + change_context 5 map - change_context -5 map / start_search regex forward map ? start_search regex backward map . scroll_to next-match map > scroll_to next-match map , scroll_to prev-match map < scroll_to prev-match map f start_search substring forward map b start_search substring backward #: }}}